We are All “Illegals”

By Mark Naison (March 9, 2016)

One of the things that drives me craziest in the current political landscape is the use of the term “illegals” to refer to undocumented immigrants. If there is ever an example of the pot calling the kettle black, this is it. Continue reading “We are All “Illegals””

Dear Sanders Supporters: It’s Over

By Arun Gupta (March 3, 2016)

Dear Bernie Sanders supporters,

I know it’s difficult to accept but it’s over. Fivethirtyeight.com, which provides the best analysis of electoral chances, writes that Hillary Clinton’s lead is pretty much insurmountable, and that’s not including super-delegates. Continue reading “Dear Sanders Supporters: It’s Over”

Racism of the Left is More Dangerous


By Chris Crass (March 2, 2016)

In the post-Super Tuesday analysis, my comrade Rev. Osagyefo Sekou wrote on his Facebook wall: “White folks who are Sanders’ supporters are far more dangerous than Trump supporters when it comes to race because they think they have all the answers on the question which is politically dishonest. Trump supporters are just racist which has a certain integrity.” Continue reading “Racism of the Left is More Dangerous”

The Bunsis Report, February 2016

In February 2016, Dr. Howard Bunsis of Eastern Michigan University visited Oregon State.  He offered an analysis of the financial priorities of OSU and evaluated how well it allocated resources toward accomplishing it’s academic mission.

The Anarres Project co-sponsored his visit, along with the Allied Students for Another Politics, OSU-Association of American University Professors, Service Employees International Union 503, the Alliance for a Socially Just University, and the Coalition of Graduate Employees.

The Anarres Project wishes to share the slides from Bunsis’s report and encourages students, staff, and faculty of OSU to view and discuss them with colleagues.

Bunsis Oregon State February 2016

Me and Mr. Trump (And a Presidential Prediction)


By Mark Naison (February 29, 2016)

Right now, I am really torn up in side. I have a visceral hatred of racism which goes back to my college days when I was kicked out of my family for falling in love with a Black woman. My entire professional life as a scholar and teacher has been devoted to thinking about, writing about and teaching about race in America. Continue reading “Me and Mr. Trump (And a Presidential Prediction)”

Why There Probably Won’t Be a President Sanders

By Arun Gupta (February 26, 2016)

Bernie Sanders supporters are understandably frustrated about the 2016 primary. He essentially tied Hillary Clinton in Iowa, trounced her in New Hampshire, and gave her a scare in Nevada. But the narrative is Clinton has “cleared the road,” is “back on track,” and “inevitable” again to win the Democratic Party presidential nomination.

Continue reading “Why There Probably Won’t Be a President Sanders”

Black History Month Nourishes the Starved White Imagination


By Chris Crass ( February 24, 2016)

One of the ways that white supremacy hurts white people is that it teaches white people they have nothing to learn from the histories of people of color. Continue reading “Black History Month Nourishes the Starved White Imagination”

Radical Dad Solidarity From One Mall to Another


By Chris Crass (February 14, 2016)

Walking through the mall, one hand talking on the phone with a fired up young activist man about an awesome project he wants to do interviewing men about feminism, healthy masculinities and bringing down patriarchy, and the other hand feeding August his bottle. Continue reading “Radical Dad Solidarity From One Mall to Another”