Ferguson Protests are About More than Police Brutality

By Mark Naison

The problems of America’s poor have been “off the grid” for some time.
Politicians of both parties reserve their concern for the middle class, fearing that any reference to poverty will destroy their electoral appeal. Continue reading “Ferguson Protests are About More than Police Brutality”

“Think About Who Your Neutrality Hurts”

White and Black Opinion Differs on the Importance of Ferguson for Race

By Joseph Orosco and Phoenix Calida

The Pew Center for People and Press conducted a survey last week to ask Americans  their views on the top news stories and to gauge their reactions to the developments in Ferguson, Missouri, following the shooting of Michael Brown.  The results are telling about the lack of common ground when dealing with race in the United States. Continue reading ““Think About Who Your Neutrality Hurts””

Comfortable with Killing: Are Ordinary Citizens Willing to Prevent Another Mike Brown?


By Mark Naison

If the death of Michael Brown reflects normal police protocols in the US, we need to change “normal police protocols” and not only in Ferguson. Continue reading “Comfortable with Killing: Are Ordinary Citizens Willing to Prevent Another Mike Brown?”

“It’s Legit Community Effort”: Impressions of Ferguson


By Phoenix Calida.  

This past weekend, Phoenix Calida delivered food and supplies to residents of Ferguson, Missouri.  This is her photo essay.  All photos by Phoenix. Continue reading ““It’s Legit Community Effort”: Impressions of Ferguson”