We Have All the Facts We Need: What Indigenous People’s Day Teaches Us


By William J. Jackson

When these news stories and topics come up with un-armed folks of color getting gunned down and the prison industrial complex, I don’t sit quietly and let them be called isolated incidents. Continue reading “We Have All the Facts We Need: What Indigenous People’s Day Teaches Us”

Celebrating National Coming Out Day: Something Personal for Everyone


By Alex S. Morgan

Happy National Coming Out Day! I’m going to update my list of disclosures a little today. See if you notice anything new. Continue reading “Celebrating National Coming Out Day: Something Personal for Everyone”

Are Yoga Pants a Symbol of Class Warfare?


By Joseph Orosco

I was walking to class today–an abnormally warm, sunny day for Oregon in October–and I was struck that almost every student I passed looked like they were dressed for going the gym.  The fashion on campus these days seems to be some version of yoga pants/leggings and tank tops for women, and tank top-athletic shorts for men. Continue reading “Are Yoga Pants a Symbol of Class Warfare?”

An Education Policy That Presumes Family Failure and Collapse


By Mark Naison

As teachers and parents look, in amazement, at policies emanating from the US Department of Education that mandate the meticulous scripting of “student learning” beginning as early as age 3, and which require testing of “student outcomes” to evaluate their classroom performance, it is important to highlight the underlying logic behind such a program. Continue reading “An Education Policy That Presumes Family Failure and Collapse”

Nobody Wins in Martyr Dynamics: A Guide to Consensual Giving


By Alex S. Morgan

What would it be like to give and not regret it? How would it feel to receive knowing the other shoe would never drop? Continue reading “Nobody Wins in Martyr Dynamics: A Guide to Consensual Giving”

Why US Americans Ought to Celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month


By Joseph Orosco

We are currently halfway into National Hispanic Heritage Month (NHHM). I asked my students in two classes if they knew anything about it and most had no notion of when it started or when it ended in the calendar. They got the general idea that it was about honoring the contribution of Latin@s to US American life, but nothing specifically about it, or indeed, of any celebrations of it in their communities. Continue reading “Why US Americans Ought to Celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month”