Notes for a White Anti-Racist Struggling with White Friends about #Baltimore


By Chris Crass

Notes for a white anti-racist struggling with white friends about ‪#‎Baltimore‬(in this case a friend who has loved ones who are police) : I love you comrade, and I’m so grateful for the ways you throw down. Continue reading “Notes for a White Anti-Racist Struggling with White Friends about #Baltimore”

Remembering the Rodney King Uprising Twenty Three Years Later

April 29, 2015 marks twenty three years since the beginning of one of the largest urban uprisings in US American history.  For several days after a Simi Valley jury let the Los Angeles police officers who beat and tasered Rodney King go free, residents throughout LA county expressed frustration, anger and sadness; marched, walked, and fought back against systems of arbitrary state power and inequality.  Some Anarres Project contributors reflect on this day. Continue reading “Remembering the Rodney King Uprising Twenty Three Years Later”

Unleashing Rage and Yearning for Liberation: The Real Lessons of Dr. King for Urban Uprisings

By Chris Crass

Let’s be clear, when those in power and their media call for people to be “peaceful” in the face of endemic and sanctioned racist state violence, they aren’t calling for a return to disruptive and militant non-violent direct action unleashed by the Civil Rights movement, even if they insultingly call up Dr. King to denounce the ‪#‎BaltimoreUprising‬. Continue reading “Unleashing Rage and Yearning for Liberation: The Real Lessons of Dr. King for Urban Uprisings”

Baltimore is About the Future of Human Dignity

By Chris Crass

Mass uprisings, including property destruction, when coming out of communities who have exhausted every other means to address grievances, and have had violence dealt back to them, every time – such uprisings are justified, rational, strategic, necessary, and those taking to the streets of ‪#‎Baltimore‬ are taking far more responsibility for the future of democracy, equality, and human dignity than all of those condemning them. Continue reading “Baltimore is About the Future of Human Dignity”

The Goal is Dead Black Bodies

By Phoenix Calida

When we do better than them, they kill us- black wall street

When we do the same things as they do, they kill us- John Crawford, Emmet Till

When they assume we’re worse than them cause we’re thugs, they kill us- Michael Brown, Eric Garner  Continue reading “The Goal is Dead Black Bodies”

Note to a White Anti-Racist Struggling with Resistance


By Chris Crass

Note to a white anti-racist struggling with white resistance in his mostly white church to ‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬: you and I and other white anti-racists need to believe in the potential of white people. Continue reading “Note to a White Anti-Racist Struggling with Resistance”

The Catastrophe of “Broken Windows” Policing

By Mark Naison

As I struggle  to come to terms with the untimely death of Walter Scott, shot in the back while running away from a police officer after a dispute over a faulty tail light,  I suddenly came to a startling and disturbing realization: Walter Scott was the fourth unarmed African American man I know of whose killing by a police officer in a highly publicized case came over a minor violation that could easily have been overlooked rather than a major crime.  Continue reading “The Catastrophe of “Broken Windows” Policing”

No words for shaming

By Phoenix Calida

Let’s discuss opposites.

Slut. a word that is applied to women to degrade them. It can be based actual sexuality that defies puritanical patriarchy, assumed promiscuity, rumors, or clothing choices. Women have been shamed, ostracized, and kicked out of social circles for being slut shamed.

What is the male equivalent of this term? Continue reading “No words for shaming”

Racist Policing is About Ruling Class Power

By Chris Crass

The ‪#‎WalterScott‬ police murder is a tipping point in the fight against racism in policing and the criminal justice system. Two key objectives that‪#‎BlackLivesMatter‬ advances is to make sure we’re not talking about removing racist bad apples, but changing laws, policies and institutions that further structural racist violence and move towards structural racial justice. Continue reading “Racist Policing is About Ruling Class Power”