There is a far right and a playground for the rest of us to let off steam and get our wiggles out.
On the playground you ride bicycles, grow organic tomatoes, draw pictures and eat gluten free muffins.
The playground is the left.
You vote for the student body president during nutrition.
Are you a child? Is this is a game to you?
You should not have to fight for your life. That narrative needs to be thrown in the trash.
This is not my grandfather’s left.
The left that fought for the right to have a vacation and a weekend. The right to do nothing.
The right, if you work 40 hours a week to have a home. The right to send your children to college with dignity without having to hold your breath and pray that your child’s loan will have a bit left over after paying for a PUBLIC university tuition to cover such basics as food and books.
The right to have a good retirement.
The right to be able to get hurt and not have to live on the streets.
What do we have now brothers and sisters?
We have a left that wants a cookie for $15.00 an hour.
We have a fight for housing, not for those who have houses, but only WHEN, not if, but WHEN you become homeless.
People are homeless, because housing is too high and wages are too low, but fighting that is not fundable.
We have a left that fights not for wages that you can easily feed a family of four on, but a left that fights for you to have the right to stand in line at a church and beg for food.
This is our left.
This is our “paid for by corporate America” left.