Change Starts in the Streets, Not With the White House

By Arun Gupta (March 25, 2016)

I asked dozens of activists and organizers what tangible movement building is coming out the Bernie Sanders campaign. Here’s what I found. The last half of the article will be of interest to many as it examines different responses from organized socialists. It’s a mixed bag at best. Continue reading “Change Starts in the Streets, Not With the White House”

Neoliberal Austerity Fuels the Rebirth of Fascism in Europe

By Junyoung Veronica Kim (March 24, 2016)

As Roberto Savio remarked recently, “there is no single European country (with few exceptions like Spain, where the [Partido Popular] can encompass all right wing positions), where right wing and xenophobic parties have not grown since the 2009 crisis, and often are the tipping point in national parliaments.” Continue reading “Neoliberal Austerity Fuels the Rebirth of Fascism in Europe”

Tales of Anti-Racism in the Nashville YMCA: Dumping Trump in AZ

By Chris Crass (March 19, 2016)

The continuing adventures of anti-racism at the Nashville YMCA:

“They should all go to Russia or China if they don’t like it,” shouts the woman in her 70s behind me. We’re both on running machines, and my pace quickens. She goes on about how angry those people make her. She’s yelling about the news on CNN playing above us, of people in Arizona blocking traffic, protesting Trump. Continue reading “Tales of Anti-Racism in the Nashville YMCA: Dumping Trump in AZ”

Presidents and Politicians: Products and Practitioners of Propaganda

By S. Brian Willson (March 18, 2016)

Thinking of this post about Trump’s voluminous lies, I thought it instructive to share info about the fact that the entire system actually does run on lies to preserve power and profit. Continue reading “Presidents and Politicians: Products and Practitioners of Propaganda”

Farmworker March Has Important Lessons about Nonviolence and People Power

By Joseph Orosco (March 16, 2016)

Fifty years ago this month, a small group of activists left Delano, California and began a march to Sacramento to raise national awareness about the plight of farmworkers. Continue reading “Farmworker March Has Important Lessons about Nonviolence and People Power”

Why Elites Have to Destroy Public Education

By Mark Naison (March 11, 2016)

I just had an epiphany. I’ve been thinking about why our economic and political elites are devoting so much energy to destroying public education. What’s in it for them, other than the profits to be made from investments in technology, software, real estate and other direct benefit to corporations from testing and school privatization? Continue reading “Why Elites Have to Destroy Public Education”

Sanders Campaign An Opportunity for Anti-Racism


By Chris Crass (March 10, 2016)

For white people who believe in, and work for, racial justice on any and all fronts, the point of reading analysis and reflections on the racism in the ‪#‎BernieSanders‬ campaign, is not to then sit back and say: “See, that’s why I don’t ‪#‎FeelTheBern‬“. Continue reading “Sanders Campaign An Opportunity for Anti-Racism”

We are All “Illegals”

By Mark Naison (March 9, 2016)

One of the things that drives me craziest in the current political landscape is the use of the term “illegals” to refer to undocumented immigrants. If there is ever an example of the pot calling the kettle black, this is it. Continue reading “We are All “Illegals””

Dear Sanders Supporters: It’s Over

By Arun Gupta (March 3, 2016)

Dear Bernie Sanders supporters,

I know it’s difficult to accept but it’s over., which provides the best analysis of electoral chances, writes that Hillary Clinton’s lead is pretty much insurmountable, and that’s not including super-delegates. Continue reading “Dear Sanders Supporters: It’s Over”