The Institutionalized Cruelty of Separation: My Story

By Byron José Sun (June 29, 2018)

in 1988, a few days before Thanksgiving and just a couple of weeks after the picture below was taken; my mother and I were sitting in a detention center in San Ysidro, CA. My mother was 19 and I was under two years old. The border patrol had arrested us after the sewage tunnels the Coyote lead us through dumped us in San Isidro. We were stripped searched and processed until we sat in a small cell where a stool was the only furniture. The detention center was not prepared for the thousands of Central Americans fleeing the poverty and violence of dictatorships and civil wars that were backed by the US.

As my mother sat on the stool with me in her arms, we were feed milk and cookies three times a day, and we were expected to sleep on the floor with just one blanket. What people don’t understand is that it’s not easy leaving everything behind to migrate to the US. My mother had escaped a Coyote that kept us prisoners for a month in different hotels around Mexico. She went hungry many nights. She struggled to keep me happy. She went through a lot to keep me safe. We were only arrested in San Ysidro because she started screaming in fear that I was going to be killed by how hard the other immigrants were trying to keep me from crying.

As my Facebook is flooded with all the news of children being separated from their parents I can’t stop thinking about how my mother would have felt if I was ripped away from her arms, from her warmth, from her protection, and from her love. There are no words that I can write here to describe how immigrant parents who are experiencing the ‘Institutionalized Cruelty’ of separation must be feeling. No human being should ever feel what those parents are feeling. No human being deserves to be treated as less than human just because they are searching for a better future. As a nation we need to act not with fear and hate in our hands—instead, we must act with kindness and love if we ever want to keep our full humanity.


Moving From Shock and Despair into Galvanization

By Alex S. Morgan (June 27, 2018)

I come from a long line of stubborn fighters. It’s coming time for some ancestor magic.

We are not helpless.

In the here and now, we have ties to the past and the future. We have not only the force of our own will, but that of generations behind us. We have not only the light of our own hope, but duty to the future before us, to those who will come after us.

Hold the line.

You are not alone. Keep resisting. Keep pushing back. Every inch you make them fight for matters.

Slowing this down matters. Making them expend resources working for it matters. Taking control of the story, showing them for the inhumane fascists they are, matters and gains us support.

No, we aren’t winning yet. But the longer we hold out, the more fiercely we fight, the less they have to rule with.

Yes, our losses are significant and real, and every day it seems we’re threatened with new ones.

This is not going to be easy. We already have a lot to come back from. But it is NOT yet hopeless.

Do what you need to do to be safe and well. But let a part of that care be reminding yourself that you are not powerless in the face of this creeping dread. Let a part of that care be for your future self; rest when you need to, trust that we all work in shifts, and when you can, push back from where you can with what you have.

Support others who resist. Love fiercely. Live well.

When we survive this, we will have a future to build, and a chance to replace broken machinery with new dreams.

Let’s make sure there are as many of us as possible to see that happen.

Take heart. You are not alone in this.


The Politics of Cruelty Have Roots Before Trump

By Mark Naison (June 24, 2018)

Those of you who are shocked that Donald Trump successfully employed a politics of cruelty and rage to take him to the Presidency might want to revisit two events which prefigured his campaign:

  1. the excommunication of the Dixie Chicks from country music radio;

2. and the selection of Sarah Palin as John McCain’s Vice Presidential candidate.

That the most popular female group in country music history could be turned into non-persons because they dared question George W Bush’s plunge into war, and that a crude, uninformed provocateur with a blue collar image could get elevated to the level of a Vice Presidential candidate showed how much the politics of bitterness had become entrenched in large sections of the US white population.

Trump saw this, correctly, as something he could tap into to achieve his life long ambition,

And he is still tapping, to the nation and the world’s great detriment.

I know this country’s history pretty well. I have not only studied it and taught it, I have lived it. I know racism when I see it. And i am seeing more open expressions of it now than I have in a very long time. This is not good, for the targets of this racism, for the people expressing it, and for the country as a whole.

If the people who have unleashed this ugliness knew where it was heading and what it would mean for them and their children, they would hesitate before unloading their rage. But they don’t listen to anyone outside of their political comfort zone so they are going to have to learn the hard way that what goes around comes around.


We Need a Theology of Liberation in the United States

By Mikasi Goodwin (June 22, 2018)

I was born and raised in Oregon, on colonized land, in a state founded specifically on systemic racism. I grew up poor. I grew up in a rural, conservative environment. I was very conservative for a long time. I am white, a trans woman, a lesbian, and a poor person. I say this to establish who is speaking, and what context I am speaking from.

When I was 13 I went to Bible Camp. Over a week away from home, our denomination’s pastors worked tirelessly to convert us. We were in church 3 times a day. Everything we did had a religious component, even when we went swimming or on hikes. By the end of the week, I felt sure that I was a sinner, that I was going to hell, and that I wanted to be saved. For the next few years I was a zealous believer in what I thought was the gospel, and what I thought was a lifesaving religious tradition.
I read the Bible fervently. I read commentaries, I studied & fasted. What I found wasn’t what I was taught to find. Time & time again I was getting a different message than my church. I was getting a message of liberation, of solidarity & of love from the gospel. Even immersed in conservatism like water, I couldn’t come to the same conclusions. This contradiction quickly led to a break with my church, and with Christianity in general. I spent a long time wandering & searching.

I didn’t find my way back to faith in a church service. It wasn’t reading the Bible that illuminated my own deeply held spiritual beliefs. God didn’t speak to me in the language of the church, in the scriptures & traditions of Christianity, or the acts of Christians I knew from my old church family. God spoke to me in the voices of people suffering under oppression, in prophetic voices unafraid to speak even the hardest truths. God spoke to me in the long struggle for liberation led by oppressed people. What did I find when I listened? I found that many oppressed peoples throughout the last 100 years have used a very specific tool to analyze their situation. That tool is called Marxism.

So, what is Marxism? That isn’t an easy question to answer. Marxism is about discovering the root of social problems, it is a radical way of analyzing the world. Marx says that ideas are the primary force that shapes our world but also that these ideas don’t come out of nowhere. These ideas are a product of human beings, of human societies, of our ‘material conditions’.
Marxism is about historical materialism. It says societies are divided into contradictory classes, slaves vs. slaveowners, lords vs. serfs, employers vs. employees. These are specific societal relationships that boil down to oppressor & oppressed. In my view, the goal of Marxist analysis is to find a way to transcend this relationship of oppressed & oppressor and create a liberated world.
The idea of creating a liberated world is by no means new. A reading of the New Testament illuminates many similar ideas about transcending class in early Christianity. The Apostle Paul said, “There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus” These words weren’t just a pretty spiritual allegory. The early church was known for distributing their wealth equally. In the book of Acts, it says, “All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need.” Even Jesus said, “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell your possessions, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me… …Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” The call of the gospel sounds awfully similar to Marx’s famous slogan, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”.

Marxism & Christianity have often had an antagonistic relationship, but that antagonism is by no means universal. In Latin America in the 50’s & 60’s, an emergent group of Christian clergy members began to advocate for a fusion of Marxist analysis & Christian theology. The result? Liberation theology. Many of the concepts of liberation theology existed before its inception. Wherever the gospel was in the hands of the oppressed, especially in slave communities in the Americas, a type of theology of liberation sprang up. A theology that says to the oppressed, God is on your side. God is positioned as the liberator, the ultimate spiritual source of all struggles to free the slave & the captive. Liberation theology says to the Christian, you have a mission, a mission to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth, and that means nothing less than the unconditional liberation of all humankind. Jesus did not come to found a religion, but to spread the message of redemption, liberation and justice.

Liberation theology is a call to return to the historical mission of the Christian church & the gospel, abandoned by Christians as Christianity became co-opted and turned into a violent & oppressive institution. I am convinced this is the message modern Christianity needs. As young people leave the church in droves to wander the wilderness because they have been betrayed, abandoned & ignored by their faith communities, this theology calls them back in. This theology called me back in, a transgender lesbian who was completely abandoned by my faith community.

We need a theology of liberation. A theology of revolution, justice and love. We need a theology that demands of us that we feed the hungry, house the houseless and put our bodies on the line for justice. We need a theology that says to the oppressed, you are worthy, your voice is important. We need a theology that humanizes, that encourages solidarity, not just charity. A theology that says, “I will give up all I own to raise up the oppressed and empower them”. A theology that spurs us to act tirelessly to free people from the bondage of oppressive systems.

To be clear, this is not about electoral campaigns. This is not about legislation. You can’t elect liberation. You can’t legislate liberation. It takes a spiritual, cultural, and deeply personal shift among all of us. It takes a revolution. It takes an Exodus from the bondage of the United States to find redemption in building a new world, one without borders and nations. This is a long struggle, one that people in the Americas have been waging for over 500 years. It is by no means impossible.

Liberation theology is an expression of this long struggle. Faith in ancestors, faith in God, faith in deliverance from bondage & oppression has carried this long struggle into today. Many on the left have lost hope that they will see liberation in their lifetime, and many in faith communities have lost sight of the vision of liberation. What we can gain from each other is a vision for a better world, and the hope that will sustain us to build that better world in our lifetimes.

When the Israelites were struggling for their liberation from Egypt every attempt to crush them was made. Even when Pharoah’s kingdom lay in ruins, he chased them until the bitter end. We will face the same kind of entrenched resistance every step of the way, but I know that together, we can overcome any obstacle that stands between us & freedom.


Trump’s Four Immigration Pillars

By Ana Castillo (June 21, 2018)

THE 4 PILLARS HE DEMANDS BE MET; Let’s examine the hypocrisy, the fallacy of his proposed sincere desire to resolve, and the reality that makes it impossible for Congress to vaguely go along with HIS demands.

1. He HAS AND IS deporting Dreamers.

2. Demands $25 billion dollars for the WALL. It is no solution to keeping out unwanted immigration or drugs.

3. End to Lottery. (Read from remarks he has made: Let’s just let White and highly educated people here.) Never mind we have countless of U.S. college educated here now who are underemployed or unemployed.

This country was built on, and is currently functioning, to make life comfortable for some, and very comfortable for the few, because of basic skilled labor. Here is a recommended message to your base who lost coal mining jobs, or are waiting for the manufacturing jobs that the likes of your family have given to people in countries like Mexico and China, (where there are no unions or safety regulations or child labor laws to protect them):

“Go out and work the fields. Bus tables. Mow lawns, nanny children, stand on the corner for ten hours with a cart and sell corn on the cob or peddle a cart in parks. Change linen in hotels or work in steaming laundries.”

Tell your supporters jobs eagerly await when you bring back your own companies from countries where you pay an individual $2.00 a day and that will hire your loyal base here at minimum wage.

4. End ‘chain migration.’ His wife is an immigrant and her parents were recently brought here as a result. Start at home, Sir, with your policies.

ana castilo

The Separation of Immigrant Families is Institutionalized Cruelty

By Joseph Orosco (June 19, 2018)

As I listened to the recording of immigrant kids crying because they were being separated from their parents, I heard the Border Patrol agent joke that they sounded like an orchestra without a conductor. My reaction was to wonder how anyone could be so cruel to the fear of young children. What could make a person so cold to that kind of pain?

The incident reminded me of philosopher Phillip Hallie who wrote about the Nazi concentration camps. Hallie pointed out that amid the daily horror of the camps, there were guards who had not been broken down by the constant show of degradation and would display kindness. They would share a kind word, or sneak an extra roll of bread to a starving person. Such examples are often used to argue that despite cruel situations, there might be solitary individuals who recognize the humanity of others. The Border Patrol agent laughing at children in terror doesn’t seem to be one of those.

But Hallie warns that we shouldn’t narrow our focus to the morality of individuals or to episodic instances of cruelty or kindness when thinking of the concentration camps. In fact, a Nazi guard’s smile, or an extra ration from the camp kitchen, only works to remind the prisoners that there is a world in which people can be kind and people are treated with dignity, but they aren’t part of that world inside the camp. Quoting from the slave narrative of Frederick Douglass, Hallie notes: “The kindness of the slave master only gilded the chain. It detracted nothing from its weight or strength. The thought that men are for other and better uses than slavery throve best under the gentle treatment of a kind master.”

Hallie argues that the way to comprehend the immorality of slavery or of the Nazi camps is with the idea of “institutionalized cruelty”–they way that the individual infliction of pain and suffering becomes normal, justified, and everyday. The Nazi guards could kill, beat, starve, torture prisoners because they had lived for years with their leaders telling them that their country, and their own families, were threatened by enemies who were not quite human. Ordinary Germans tolerated the Nazi policies because they became convinced by rhetoric that they were somehow morally better than Jews, and therefore, deserved to control and dominate them.

Recent public opinion polls suggest that 28% of Americans approve of the President’s policy of separating immigrant children from parents; among Republicans the approval shoots up to almost 60%.   These numbers indicate that more than 1 in 5 Americans think there is an immigration crisis that requires an extraordinary effort of cruelty to solve. How could they be convinced of that?

Trump started his presidential campaign in 2016 by railing against Mexican immigrants as dangerous criminals, assuring his followers that (only) some of them are good people. He continued this way of thinking this year, bemoaning that the only kinds of refugees we attracted came from “shithole” countries. Then he warned that our laws were letting in “animals”, having then to clarify that he meant specific MS-13 gang members and not undocumented immigrants in general. The ambiguity in Trump’s language might be attributed to lazy speech, but just this week he reiterated that immigrants want to “infest” our country. It’s clear that when it comes to immigrants, Trump relies on metaphors about animals, insects, disease, filth, and crime. It’s really not surprising that cruel policies follow such patterns of thinking.

Hallie pointed out that the remedy to institutionalized cruelty is not kindness but what he called “hospitality”—caring for the victim of cruelty in a way that removes them from the relationship of domination. Hallie’s heroes were the people who sheltered runaway Jewish families and kept them out of the grasp of the Nazis. What we need now is not just a reform to keep immigrant families together, but also a recommitment to assist refugees and asylum seekers and attention placed on the economic and political circumstances that are creating waves of migrants to our borders. And we need to stand up to the dehumanizing language from our leaders that hardens hearts and then, crushes bodies. Like Hallie’s heroes, we ought show kindness not only by alleviating the suffering inside the tent cities where immigrant families are being detained, but by making sure that such places don’t come to exist at all.

The Future is Organizing

By Teka Lark (June 18, 2018)

This “you don’t need to go to college, the future is in trade” is absolute rubbish. It is absolute bullshit. The trades will not keep you safe, technology is coming for you next. Almost every job that exists from plumbing, to roofing, to wiring your wall can be automated now; EVERYTHING, driving a cab, driving a truck, driving a bus– those jobs will be gone in 20 years.

You won’t even be able to work in retail. Amazon is trying to make it so they don’t even need a person to check you out. It will be a machine, and if you steal, a robot will shoot you as you walk out the door. That is happening and it is happening soon.

Your future is organizing. The future is organizing, so we don’t all willingly move into their tiny houses which are SHACKS (there isn’t nothing cute or adorable about a “tiny” house) and subsist on one carrot a day from the completely ridiculous solution of everyone having their own garden.

You stole people’s grocery stores and you gave them a small plot of land they can borrow (for a small fee) until some rich dude decides he wants to use it for something else. So you’re essentially getting working class and poor people to keep up property for FREE until some rich guy wants it, right? That is what you’re doing. I SEE YOU.

Do not talk to me about food deserts. Talk to me about redline retail. Do not talk to me about the “underserved”, talk to me about white supremacy capitalists denying services to Black and Latinx communities.

And call us Black people, Native American, Latinx, Indigenous people. Do not ERASE us. Abbreviations were used in print media in the past because of room constraints, but now we have endless space. Erase yourself if you need to save space. Don’t call me a POC, white people, do not. I am Black. My existence is not just “not being you”.

I don’t have time for these ridiculous nonprofit industrial complex words and phrases that do nothing, but pathologize people and excuse corporate America wealthy owners if they give a big enough grant.

White people, let go of your racism, the patronizing and malicious brand. Many think the Left is held back owing to identity politics: no. The left is held back because “white” people believe in whiteness, and the wealthy manipulate you to work against your interests.

White people, the vast majority of you are only free in your mind. I have seen the stats. It doesn’t look good for you. The only privilege you have is to die last. The few crumbs you get, that is going away, you will get to die last in a tiny house driving for Uber, if you are lucky.  They are coming for trades, academics, teachers, writers….people with resources for now, don’t be delusional. You are not safe.

There was no golden era. The golden era was a mirage that entices people to the desert to die of thirst and hunger.

We need everyone.


This Treatment of Immigrants is a Dark Stain on US History

By Arun Gupta ( June 18, 2018)

Immigrants are not your bludgeon to use against Democrats.
Immigrants are not an object for your history lessons.
Immigrants are not numbers in your game.

Your argument that “it happened before” is utterly inhumane and shows complete contempt for solidarity for millions of immigrants in peril.

What is happening now is unprecedented. Trump promised a war on immigrants from the moment he began his campaign three years ago. That is exactly what is going on now.

Here is what is unprecedented:
Concentration camps for children.
The rescinding of DACA for 800,000 Dreamers. 
Removal of temporary protected status for 248,000 refugees.
Administrative closure has been revoked for 350,000 more immigrants.
Refugee admissions have dropped from 95,000 in 2016 to less than 11,000 in the first half of 2018.
Domestic violence is no longer grounds for asylum.
Asylum seekers in general are being illegally turned away at the U.S. border.
Green card holders — legal residents — are being advised by immigration lawyers not to apply for any government aid, even Medicaid for an injured child, or their application will be refused.
Even more breathtaking, the Trump White House is moving to strip naturalized U.S. citizens of their citizenship and deport them.

You know what happens when people are deported? They die. Many die right away. Go spend some time in Tijuana among the armies of homeless deportees being preyed on, going mad, and being killed there by cops and criminals alike. Others die slowly, like the man in Tijuana who told me within a year of being deported, his wife got cancer and died because she was so devastated. Nearly all will see their life expectancy cut short because of a lack of healthcare, of basic services, of food, or from violence.

So when you claim this is nothing new, this happened before, America has always been racist, this is Obama’s fault, you are deliberately downplaying the gravity of what is happening now. This is more than 2 million lives at stake, given how many people are forced to leave with deportees.

2 million people and growing. And your response is “it’s not unprecedented.” This is nearly 20 times the size of the Japanese internment. And you say “it’s not unprecedented.”

Look at the picture below.


This is the bridge into Tijuana where deportees come through day and night. Stand where I stood. No one will bother you. Stand there and tell deportees:

This is nothing new.
It’s Obama’s fault.
It’s the white-supremacist settler-colonial ruling class.
It’s not unprecedented.

You are really saying you don’t give a shit about immigrants. It’s more important to you to minimize what is happening than acknowledge this moment is a unique dark stain on American history. Because if you admitted this was uniquely terrible, you would have to shed your fossilized dogmas and revolutionary fantasies.

So you would rather lend aid and comfort to Trump, to Stephen Miller, to Joe Arpaio, to all the nativists and racists and Neo-Nazis who want to make America white again.

You are showing which side you are on. You are not on the side of 43 million American immigrants like me.


Have You Ever Had to?

By Octaviano Merecias-Cuevas (June 16, 2018)

Have you ever had to?

Abandon a lifetime at the eye-blink notice of a memory?
As villages collapse and dreams become black fumes?
As tanks roll-in while drones of anger machete their bloody ways into crops and farms?
No laws can stop imploding sadness; burying babies in Syria. 
Dead AF floating towards the shores of your consciousness.
Migration then… is not a fucking choice;
As we become walking clandestine dreams on stolen lands.

Have you heard the symphony of exodus?
Decapitated destinies and mutilated dreams; vibrating!
Toxic poverty of institutionalized stress; raising!
Rows of footsteps carrying crucified Gods in palms of dreamers hands
Escaping carcinogen greed of capitalism; who’s legacy?
Remedying the asthmatic last speech of a 4-year-old
Witnessing tear-ed little hands from moms along the border.

Migrating in paths of your ancestor’s plans; a better life
escaping cages, emperors of corrupt plans and genocide;
AK’s disguised as bibles and doves into moral enforcers
As seven-headed false prophets fight porn-stars; silence
Vomiting hypocrisy underneath the stars of our flag; compliance.

Crossing a fence, jumping a border; the last choice or falling into:
the indignity of decomposing into the mouth of the desert
Suffocating into the extremities of the oceans; praying
Holding crushed infant hands in collapsing clinics.
Starving for a new beginning in shadows of invisibility
flowering into emerging hopes; photosynthesing dreams

Mother, aunties, grandmas, sisters…
holding on tightly the innocent hands
Like holding onto the last feelings that germinate our souls
Her sentence lingering on a piece of paper with her name;
Her hope collapsed into the absence of a piece of paper
When home burns as a waving flag legacy of colonial brutality;
The only house left for us to walk is the naked world;
As memories of dinosaurs-into-butterflies today remind us;
migrate, to survive, like waves, like wind, like time… Like Life.

Is there an accidental kind gesture within your soul?
Can today shine your merciful medicine of secrets?
Here’s the last piece of my hand; families belong together
like mind, soul and spirit belong into one wisdom!

Poesia Mixta

Bourdain was Right: Food is About the Human Connection

By Arun Gupta (June 14, 2018)

After immersing myself in Bourdain’s work for days — his books, interviews, hundreds of articles, a dozen shows — I did some cooking with my mom.
Bourdain is right that the best food is to be found within the home. The most elaborate, artistic, and expensive, is in restaurants, but the food there is more an exercise in the purity of science, commerce, and aesthetics than human connection.
When I make food with my mom, every ingredient, technique, and dish comes with a detailed back story: where the food was grown, the types of markets and shops they purchased the ingredients from, how her mother taught her to make them, how they were prepared in the home, and the rituals as to how they were eaten and food was shared, many decades ago.

None of that is present with restaurant food, no matter how sublime. It is a commodity severed from the social relations that make us human.
The simplest of foods can connect us to where we came from and who we are. When shared, the food allows others to experience a different culture sensually and it is the gateway to conversations about everything that makes that culture distinct and what we share in common.

One dish I recently learned to make is bhalla, which is almost exactly the same as vada in South India.
First we made a batter of split urad dal that had been soaked in water until it was soft (about 6 hours) and then ground into a thick batter.I whipped air into it. Then wetting my hand, I made small balls.

That’s the master chef at work deep frying the balls.


We ate it two different ways. One is with sambar, the South Indian spicy dal and vegetable stew. In South India, the batter has psices added to it and is made into a donut shape before being fried.

The second way is to eat it in yogurt. To prepare, the cooled, fried bhalla are soaked in warm water for 30 minutes. They are gently squeezed and flattened, which removes much of the oil. Homemade yogurt that has been whipped with salt is spooned over the balls. It is finished with imli (tamarind) chutney and garam masala. All homemade, of course.

We don’t live in a society that gives people the time, the means, the social stability to learn and transmit knowledge. Neither is ours a society which respects communal ways of living or culture expression outside the market.
In a world where we are nothing but commodities — our labor, ideas, and bodies exist for profit — then the same is true of how we reproduce ourselves. Everything we need in our daily lives exists as a product to be brought and sold, not as an expression of our humanity.

Having a culturally rich, diverse, and healthy food system has little to do with individual choice for most people.
It is the conditions that determine what’s on our plates. It’s not what’s on our plates that determine our conditions.


(Photos by Arun Gupta)

Two Key Areas Where the President Ignores Historical Trends

By Mark Naison (June 5, 2018)

Two key areas where President Trump either distorts historical trends or cynically presents false information for political gain are the following:

First, the notion that our “ inner cities are plagued by crime” and face a terrible crisis which liberals have ignored. If this was 1995, those remarks might have been relevant, but in 2018, they show a failure to recognize major historic trends. In the last twenty years, murder rates in most American cities have plummeted, both because of the decline of the crack epidemic and gentrification. The majority of poor people now live in the suburbs and gang issues and poverty related violent crimes have migrated with them. Hempstead and Newburg, for example, small cities near NYC, are far more dangerous, and far poorer than Harlem or Bedford Stuyvesant

Second, the notion that immigrants, especially undocumented immigrants, bring crime and violence with them does not conform with statistical information or lived reality. In New York City, mass immigration to the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens has coincided with plummeting crime rates and the rebuilding of the city’s poorest neighborhoods. Immigrant workers, store owners, health care providers, and valedictorians of are far more indicative of the immigrants contribution to NYC than drug gangs. MS 13 are outliers, dangerous, but despised by the hardworking self sacrificing immigrant majority.

I realize that many of the President’s supporters will dismiss what I just wrote as Fake News” but playing fast and loose with Demography and History is the essence of demagoguery, and if you are comfortable with that, well, that’s your burden to carry when you look at yourself in the mirror.
